07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos


Obsessing Over the Evil Eye

Obsessing Over the Evil Eye

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

category: Coping with Adversity

total reads: 12444

I ask Allaah to relieve your distress and take away your sorrow.  It should be noted that Islam does not bring any hardship. Rather one of the most important aims of sharee'a... continue reading

The Magnificent Journey: Al-Israa' wal Mi'raaj

The Magnificent Journey: Al-Israa' wal Mi'raaj

Yaser Birjas

category: Aqeedah

total reads: 12829

Every year, on the night of the 27th of Rajab according to the Islamic calendar (August 10th of this year 2007), Muslims around the world celebrate the magnificent journey of the P... continue reading

Abu Sufyan Ibn Al-Harith

eBook: Companions of The Prophet

Rarely can one find a closer bond between two persons such as existed between Muhammad the son of Ab... continue

Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari

eBook: Companions of The Prophet

In the Waddan valley which connects Makkah with the outside world, lived the tribe of Ghifar. The Gh... continue

The Everything Song

artist: Dawud Wharnsby

category: English Nasheeds

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artist: Ahmed Bukhatir

category: Arabic Nasheeds

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Ya Man Yara

artist: Ahmed Bukhatir

category: Arabic Nasheeds

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